Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010 Blog Entry

My first day of work did not practically start off great. There were some miscommunication though I'm not going to elaborate it.

The feeling while I was sitting on my chair until I said "it's a day!" is kind of sad. I don't know where this is coming from. Maybe, it's part of me adjusting to a completely different environment and completely new found strangers. As of now, I'm still not comfortable with the feeling but I AM LOVE, TRUST and POWER. That's who I am! And I refused to be sinked into the hole. In the end, I am MY TRUTH!

Just a while ago, I felt that I am alone but when somebody cheered me up on facebook and when my mom called I told myself that even if there are BIG challenges in life, I can surpass it because I have a lot of people on my back ready to support me and continue to love me for who I am.

Life is not easy and I accept that. Sometimes God gives us surprising challenges not only tot est us but also for us to see how far more we can go to be what we want to be and to get what we weant surpassing all the trials. At the end of the day, God wants us to say "It was all a piece of cake!"

Monday, January 4, 2010

A victim today

Today, I made a terrible mistake.

My brain won today instead of my heart.

This is not me.

This is not my truth.

I should've known better and whatever I feel now is because of the choice I made.

I was asking myself, "Why are you doing this?Why are you like this?"

I'm going back to my old self again and I don't want that person anymore.

I've seen the better me and I only hoped the best for me.

What happened to me today is totally not the best. I want the best.

Move forward are the keywords!

Move forward Bibang, move forward! You can do this!

~ I am LOVE. I am TRUST. I am POWER! ~ This is the real Bibang!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Moon Block Screening at Robinson's Galleria

LEAP 42 "The Gift"
invites you in the most awaited movie of the year


Bite to the supernatural love story of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen this Friday, November 20, 9PM at Robinson's Movieworld Galleria Cinema THX 1.

You have the power to choose your guaranteed seat at Php 400 only. Tickets are near extinction, buy now before it's too late.

For more info contact 09267010982 / 09228884436

Monday, November 16, 2009

Banchetto! Banchetto!

Hi guys, this is the ad that I made during our fund raising/money goal event during the 6th. We're going to have another one this week so I'll hope more people will come. Banchetto is super fun plus the foods served are delicioso!

'The Gift'
invites you in BANCHETTO!

Banchetto is a weekend overnight STREET FOOD FIESTA that offers an array of food varieties from home specialty foods to Filipino delicacies!

Bite to the mouth watering home-made dishes & grilled foods specially prepared & to be served that will sure to satisfy your cravings & make your tummy happy!

Sa FIESTA, the more the merrier!
So, bring your family & friends and come eat, snack and party with us this
November 6, 2009 starts FRIDAY MIDNIGHT until 11:00 AM
SATURDAY at Emerald Avenue,Ortigas Center!

See you there!


Leslie’s Snacks

Product Review:

This snack’s shape & texture looks like the cheese curls that is often ‘pasalubong’ to us by our ‘balikbayan’ relatives. Cheesy is an absolute snack favorite! The flavor is so loaded up with cheese that it is addicting. However, there are also times that I bought a Cheezy snack but it did not own up to its name and the flavor is not enough but this is just some times. Nevertheless, it is best shared with family & friends whether it’s watching their favorite shows on TV, road trips, picnic, etc. The packaging has a funky feel to it that it gave me a feel of FUN.

The picture above shows me and my friends competing for a pack of Cheesy. Yes, it's best shared but since most of us can't get enough of its overly cheesy flavor, WE WANT MORE!!!Simply addicting. Try it! You'll see what I mean. ^-^

A Different Kind of Glow with Ponds White Beauty

Ponds White Beauty

Unilever Philippines

Product Review:

A lot of beauty products in the market promise a flawless white skin. Ponds white Beauty line stands out for me because not only you will have a flawless white skin but also a pinkish white glow. It gently dilutes the accumulated melanin in the skin, helping give it a radiant pinkish-white glow as it lightens. When I use Ponds White Beauty, I feel that my face lit up with a more natural look & color is added to my face. Whenever, I mingle with other people, all I have to do is just flash a radiant smile to match the fresh, natural, and rosy glow of my skin. I recommend this to women who wants a right kind of light & fairness to their skin.

Bonding with 'Me' at Nero Cafe, Powerbooks

So, I'm here at Nero Cafe..and alone by the way. I'm just taking a quick coffee break. My feet are hurting because of the endless walking and my shoulders are already complaining from the heavy load I'm carrying. I got two bags at hand and boy they're not easy to carry from Makati to Ortigas. Anyway, I'm not making this blog entry to talk about my misadventures.

I realized since I sat in here that it doesn't hurt to be with yourself once in a while. I like people so I'm always around people. I'm always in a crowd but now being able to clear my mind makes me more relaxed and at peace. You can feel that kind of serenity in you. It's soul cleansing.

I feel that with myself "I'm being me".I don't have to pretend. I don't have to impress anyone. I don't have to think of a topic to break the ice. It's just plain me, myself and I.

I remember, I keep yadadoobing how I don't have a boyfriend and how am I not attached and how younger and older couples have 'it' and I don't. Well, I still do complain,haha! But! As I'm sipping my Cappuccino, sometimes it's not bad to enjoy the advantages of the life of a 'single woman'. I can feel this certain power over myself that no one can put down. I feel free to do what I want and I feel alive. I feel beautiful!

I can't help to think that later, I'll be going back to the bustling noise of cars, buses and trains. I'll be bumping again with the sea of people running back and forth and I'll be putting on my mask again. I'm wondering when can I bond with 'me' again.

All I want to say is that check up on yourself once in a while. Take a rest from all the stressful events and in some cases, people that is stressing you. It doesn't hurt to lay back your head and put on some soothing music in your ears. Don't forget to comfort your inner self. Be sure it's not overworked.

The power key: